Nomaji Landscape Architects
Living environments inspired by nature.

First Prize in the Katrineberg Ideas Competition
Kotilaitumet, planned for Katrineberg in Vantaa, is a new village center where living, nature, and community come together.

New public roof garden open at the heart of Helsinki
The construction work on Katajanokan laituri Pier 4 has been completed this autumn, and the building’s rooftop garden, designed by […]

Land Use Nature Value Calculator LUMA
The LUMA tool we developed integrates nature and land use, making nature information an integral part of planning.
Special expertise

The Alku method – Child-friendly design
Alku (beginning) is a child-friendly design method developed by Nomaji, drawing from our extensive experience in urban space and learning environment […]

Nature-based planning and design
Urban areas with high biodiversity are more resilient against disturbances. Nature-based planning helps maintain and enhance ecosystem services and biodiversity, […]

Landscape-oriented urban planning
Land-use planning has a direct and far-reaching effect on all aspects of our environment. Due to the sustainability transition, our […]
Science afternoon
In the Science afternoons we raise up-to-date topics related to the landscape and the built environment. We strive to generate debate and deepen the discussion of the topics. We believe it will lead to better practice.